Friday, April 3, 2015

Is your Laptop battery overcharging

hi guys after long time we are back to field

here we brought some important tricks for laptop users. i know many people in the world are using laptop. i don't know what laptop brand you are using, what is the machine configure, what is your operating system, but i know one thing......... that is if you use laptop there is a battery of your laptop
yeap probably it's have battery

What are these batteries

  1. nickel cadmium (NiCad)
  2. nickel metal hydride (NiMH)
  3. lithium ion (Li-ion), with Li-ion being the most common in newer 
now here i'm not going to talk about 1 and 2 types of batteries, i'm talking about lithium ion,
what is the type of your battery
        remove the battery from laptop and check out the striker

i think it's should be a (Li-ion) battery. if so it's your battery overcharging. then here the answer
no it is not overcharging. i probably know it. how can say it then here the prove

there is an internal cur cit in your battery to stop overcharging. there for your battery is not overcharging, but i want tell  if your battery internal cur cit which i said above has damage from physical reason you can't stop the overcharging, only one way to stop it when you charging it stay attention with your battery level and remove the charger when battery energy level at 100% level
then let it come to minimum level....... most of 7% level again charge it 7% level, i specially notice please check you battery type it's a (Li-ion) or other one........

ok then let's stop for today.let's meat again with very valuable post  

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